
Best Hearing Aid Technology Today

Hearing aid technology has advanced rapidly over the years. In the past the only technology available was analog. Now, if you are not an engineer that might not mean a whole hell of a lot. In the basic sense it is the opposite of digital. Digital takes any input like sounds, turns that input into ones and zeros and uses that information to process the sound. With analog technology there are no ones and zeros. In basic terms, it means something that has an output that’s proportional, or similar, to its input, usually a voltage. Years ago, analog was the only technology available. There are stories from the old timers that tell of hearing aids consisting of a speaker in the ear and a microphone that is attached to it by wire and worn on the outside of the patient’s clothing, Fortunately, those days are gone, and newer technology has become the standard.


According to many sources there are different levels of digital technology available. A publication called “The Consumer’s Guide to Hearing Aids” published by The Wilson Group www.jameswilson.com has put these levels of hearing aids into a pyramid for easier classification.

When you read the pyramid there is a mention of channels. These channels are what the hearing aids use to adjust the volume of pitch or frequency bands. In general, the more channels available would result in more control over the fine tuning of the hearing aids.

Some of the advanced features in the higher cost models include the ability to use directional microphones as well as noise reduction and Bluetooth capability. It is very nice to be able to electronically point your hearing aids at a person that is speaking with you in a restaurant or bar. The Bluetooth allows the user to operate these features by using their smart phone. In addition, your phone calls can be streamed into the hearing aids for a much better experience.

As you can see, the more features a patient needs or wants the more expensive the hearing aids become. Keep in mind these prices are for one hearing aid. If a patient needs two aids it can get a bit pricey.

There are many pricing options available. If the patient doesn’t mind changing batteries every week or so they can save money when purchasing. If Bluetooth is not a necessity, the patient can save quite a bit of money. We have seen many older patients that don’t have a smart phone and get by with a flip phone or sometimes just a land line. In these cases, there is no need for streaming and a lot of savings can be had.

A good hearing aid will have a noise reduction feature. This little piece of magic allows the aids to turn down the volume of background noise in many situations. Adaptive noise compression is also another product of newer technology. This can get a bit complicated, but it’s actually quite interesting. When a patient is given a hearing exam by a qualified professional, there should be a good understanding of their Uncomfortable listening level or UCL. When a good pair of gearing aids are programmed, this is one of the parameters that should be accounted for. When a sound enters the microphone of the hearing aid it is evaluated for its volume level. If the volume is too low, then it is amplified and passed to the speaker. If the volume is too high, then a properly programmed hearing aid will reduce the gain of the sound before it gets to the speaker. This prevents the patient from experiencing a sound that is too loud.


One of the newest innovations that has recently been introduced is direct contact hearing technology. Now, this is very interesting. With this new concept a lens type of device is custom made for the patient. The device is very similar to a contact lens. The lens fitted in the ear canal close to the eardrum by an ENT physician. An external processor with a microphone is place on the outside of the ear canal much like a traditional hearing aid. The external processor then sends signals to vibrate the lens near the eardrum making for a very clear sound. This is a breakthrough in hearing assistance and comes as close as anything to the actual process the body uses to amplify sound. Take a look at the website for earlens out of Menlo Park, CA www.earlens.com .


When purchasing hearing aids, it is important to keep in mind that hearing aid dealers are like any other business. They are trying to make a living. Most are responsible, honest businesses. There are a few exceptions out there that will try to convince a patient that the newest technology is the only option available. This may or may not be the case. Our recommendation is to shop around. It’s a great idea to take a good inventory of your needs. Is it important for you to be able to stream your phone calls into your hearing aids or are you ok just holding the phone up to your ear? Do you spend much time in restaurants and crowds? Do you find it hard to hear the person that you are speaking to in these situations? Is it important to have a hearing aid that automatically directs the microphones towards them or are you comfortable clicking buttons to do it yourself?

The technology exists to enhance a patient’s hearing like never before. It’s just a matter of how much you need and how much you can spend. Which one works best for you?